5 comments on “Star Trek (2009)

  1. I agree that the reboot was thoroughly enjoyable. It is a rather non-stop action thrill ride from beginning to end with a number of somewhat subtle seemingly “inside” jokes. I do however quibble just a bit with the “taa daa!” (aka fait accompli) establishment of several of the characters into the positions they hold by the end of the story. It seems that even in the New World Order, you simply don’t need to actually follow a well worn path to achieve position, but have greatness simply thrust upon you. This seems to happen with more than one of the core characters. I won’t spoil your enjoyment by discussion whom before you have a chance to find out for yourselves. More than anything, the emphasis is not on being “true” to the mythos, but really all about having FUN.


  2. I can’t wait to see it! Hoping it does not dissapoint. Waiting until after cheap night so the crowds aren’t too bad. Trying my darndest to avoid any spoilers. I’ve been a star trek fan since I was a kid and my parents watched the show.


  3. I enjoyed the film much more than I was expecting to. There were so many ways it could have gone south, but it held on course. I thought the characters rang true to the original cast, which I did not think would happen. I’m a bit confused by the plot, how the bad guy ended up where he did when he did.

    I also had a weird experience near the end when the chimes of the original theme introduction rang. As one old enough to have watched the original series when it was originally on, I felt myself oddly transported back in time myself, reliving the thrill I got from the original series. I always liked Kirk’s sense of adventure and willingness to try the outrageous. The new Kirk gave me the same sense of admiration. I look forward to more.


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